Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Watch Carrie Fisher Swear Multiple Times At The Star Wars Premiere

The Star Wars premiere was kind of nuts. It had to be a major moment of stress relief for the various actors who have spent so long working on the film. You can tell everybody is relaxed because there were absolutely no filters on the red carpet last night. Carrie Fisher swears like a sailor, and Oscar Isaac really needed to use the bathroom. These are things that we know now. It’s really glorious to watch though. It’s one of those moments that needs to be witnessed. Check out the video below. 

Carrie Fisher’s daughter Billie Lourd decides that the best thing to do is get out of the way of this oncoming storm and we don’t blame her. The clip, put up byDisneyland Experience, is five minutes of complete insanity. The interviewers decide the best thing to do is have Carrie Fisher interview Oscar Isaac (honestly the interviewers look like they’re having too good a time as well, it was probably best). The highlight is probably that Fisher continues to refer to Isaac’s character as Poe Decameron. Apparently, he was named for a 14th-century Italian novella. Isaac talks a bit about doing research on piloting in order to get his character right. Fisher’s research was apparently speaking to her younger self, a conversation which did not go particularly well. It’s at this point that the adult language comes out. 

At about the three and a half minute mark, you can see that even the people behind the camera are utterly lost when it comes to what they’re witnessing. It’s as epic as anything that takes place in The Force Awakens. Carrie Fisher cannot be stopped by anything. The only thing that can apparently stop Oscar Isaac is an uncontrollable desire to use the facilities. 

And then, at the very end, there’s actually a bit of news. Carrie Fisher makes reference to somebody who’s a "big star" being in the film in a Stormtrooper outfit. Is this a reference to the rumor that Daniel Craig did exactly that? Craig denied it in no uncertain terms but he could have been trying to divert attention. Alternatively, it appears somebody is making that cameo. 

Carrie Fisher has been one of the absolute highlights of the leadup to the new Star Wars movie. You can tell that she decided early on that she was going to have a good time making this movie, and wasn’t going to worry too much about anything else. From bringing her dog along on interviews to conducting interviews with her other co-stars (apparently this is a thing people assume she’s good at) she certainly hasn’t started holding anything back. 

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